This is an ongoing self-initiated project that is a tribute to Oscar Wilde's genius. The project is a series of illustrations to Oscar Wilde's fairy tale "The Fisherman and his Soul" from "A House of Pomegranates" collection. This book generates the most exquisite mental visuals. I plan to create illustrations to the other tales too in the long run.
"But no fish at all was in it, nor any monster or thing of horror, but only a little Mermaid lying fast asleep.
...Yet would she never come near him that he might touch her. Oftentimes he called to her and prayed of her, but she would not; and when he sought to seize her she dived into the water as a seal might dive, nor did he see her again that day. And each day the sound of her voice became sweeter to his ears. So sweet was her voice that he forgot his nets and his cunning, and had no care of his craft."
...Yet would she never come near him that he might touch her. Oftentimes he called to her and prayed of her, but she would not; and when he sought to seize her she dived into the water as a seal might dive, nor did he see her again that day. And each day the sound of her voice became sweeter to his ears. So sweet was her voice that he forgot his nets and his cunning, and had no care of his craft."

The Little Mermaid
"...she entered her cave, and having taken a mirror from a box of carved cedarwood, she set it up on a frame, and burned vervain on lighted charcoal before it, and peered through the coils of the smoke. And after a time she clenched her hands
in anger."
in anger."

The Witch's mirror
“And that evening, when the moon had risen, the young Fisherman climbed up to the top of the mountain, and stood under
the branches of the hornbeam. Like a targe of polished metal the round sea lay at his feet, and the shadows of the fishing-boats moved in the little bay… She wore a dress of gold tissue embroidered with peacocks' eyes, and a little cap of green velvet was
on her head. ... but she only laughed, and ran to the hornbeam, and taking the Fisherman by the hand she led him out into
the moonlight and began to dance. Round and round they whirled, and the young Witch jumped so high that he could see
the scarlet heels of her shoes. Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was
to be seen, and he felt afraid.”
the branches of the hornbeam. Like a targe of polished metal the round sea lay at his feet, and the shadows of the fishing-boats moved in the little bay… She wore a dress of gold tissue embroidered with peacocks' eyes, and a little cap of green velvet was
on her head. ... but she only laughed, and ran to the hornbeam, and taking the Fisherman by the hand she led him out into
the moonlight and began to dance. Round and round they whirled, and the young Witch jumped so high that he could see
the scarlet heels of her shoes. Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was
to be seen, and he felt afraid.”