This is an illustration for the website of the Petal Scouts company: an Australian business enterprise which provides contemporary and edgy wedding ceremony furniture hire packages. Petal Scouts team have very distinctive style, which tries to break free from traditional wedding visuals while preserving the core values laying at heart of the ceremony.

Petal Scouts and Kateryna Meleshchuk have the exclusive right to the characters and text featured in this project. You may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this page, including files downloadable from this page, without the explicit written permission of the copyright owner.
Rights associated with imagery used as mood-board examples (and respectively marked) belong to their rightful owners.
Rights associated with imagery used as mood-board examples (and respectively marked) belong to their rightful owners.
The purpose of this image was to set the mood and frame the website, while keeping the focus on the product. The overall theme is botanical and a little in Wes Anderson's dimension: modern, yet a bit vintage; colourful, yet a little powder-pale. The final image will have visual attributes that draw the targeted audience and fit to the general style guide of the company, including brand colour palette.

Since the project is designed for the customers in Australia, I attempted to add more native Australian plants to the decorative flower arrangement: proteas, Acacia pycnantha (Australian wattle), Wahlenbergia stricta (Australian bluebell), Pultenaea (Australian native pea) and young eucalyptus branches. The two birds sitting on the rattan decorative board are the Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae). They are also known as the Lady Gouldian finches, the rainbow finches and are native to Australia. These birds bond and mate for life. Here they symbolise fair and lasting love of the committed couple.

It was a true joy to work on this light, airy and dreamy project!